View Profile CluppHead

Age 42, Male



Twentynine Palms, CA

Joined on 8/4/04

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1,838 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.55 votes
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CluppHead's News

Posted by CluppHead - September 3rd, 2010

Here is the break down of the votes.

Votes from Facebook

JonnySnow --2
Adamkav ------1
Pillowmint - --6

Votes from Myspace

JonnySnow --0
Adamkav ------0
Pillowmint ----0
(I really don't think anybody uses myspace anymore, that or they are to damn stuck up to give a damn. LOL)

Votes from Newgrounds General Forum

JonnySnow --0
Adamkav ------3
Pillowmint ----0

Votes From My Newgrounds Blog

JonnySnow - 0
Adamkav - ---1
Pillowmint ---1

Total Votes

JonnySnow ---2 http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jon nysnow/ouch
Adamkav -------5 http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ada mkav/ouch
Pillowmint -----7 http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/pil lowmint/nutshot

First Place - Pillowmint
Second Place - Adamkav
Third Place - JonnySnow

Congratulations Pillowmint!!

I would like to thank the other two artists that participated, JonnySnow and Adamkav. Both of you had beautiful art that was amazing to look at. I would like to point out that my Mom, and my girlfriend were the two who voted for your art JonnySnow, my mom said it looked "modern". I actually really liked it myself. Somebody show JonnySnow some love and get him rescouted. Somebody keeps unscouting him.

Adamkav, your art was gorgeous, I could only dream of being that good of an artist. If I could sing and write music as well as you make art, I think I would be a very wealthy man. I would also like to point out, that you were a favorite in the newgrounds general forum. Maybe once things catch on and more people become interested your votes will rise. Not like you lost it by much anyway. 2 votes.........

If you've stumbled on this page and are interested in creating art for 5linerecords, please pm me, or if your interested in future contests. I will add you to my list.

Thank you all again for participating. I would love nothing more for every single one of you guys to try out for the next song "Not a Stalker"

More details about that later.

The Votes are in for my first Album Art Contest!!

Posted by CluppHead - September 2nd, 2010

I messaged 10 artists and 3 responded with brilliant art. Now, I just need votes on which art YOU would like to see on a t-shirt or that goes best with the song that it was made for.

So, without further ado, here are the three pieces of art to choose from in no particular order.

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jon nysnow/ouch

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ada mkav/ouch

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/pil lowmint/nutshot

Please leave a comment as to which one you like the most. If I linked you here from myspace and/or facebook, than leave a comment on those those posts if you are not a newgrounds gold member. I'm going to tally up the results and would Like to name a winner by Friday. Thanks again to all of the artists who have participated.

Album Art Contest Vote

Posted by CluppHead - August 25th, 2010

I picked 10 artists that showed interest in the 5linerecords label to hopefully work on some album art for me. I really thought it would only be a 2 part message but it ended up being 3!! I just hope that I can get some enthusiastic artists..... Fingers are crossed!! Sorry of any of you artists are reading this, and I hope I didn't bore you to sleep from such a long message. I just wanted to make sure I put every little detail in it. I'm really excited to see what turns up from this.

Up Next..... Need to see if anything can be done to some of my tracks to clean them up a bit. Need to find the mastering guru and see if he can help me. Than maybe I can offer a remastered version for sale, and the original here for free on newgrounds. Everyone loves free!!

Just posted 30 Messages

Posted by CluppHead - August 23rd, 2010

I am very excited to work for 5linerecords. As an artists, as well as with their team. I've got tons of ideas, and am ready to hit the ground running. I have already started recruiting new artists. So, if you get a message from me, or if I favorite you as an artist. It means I think you have potential and will recommend you to the record label!! It still has to go through the top, but a recommend from me might help get it up there faster, ahead of everyone else's demos. The site is http://5linerecords.com/

Can't wait to work more with them and get a few of my songs up on the site. Stay tuned!!

Signed to a Record Label and am Ready to ROCK!!

Posted by CluppHead - July 29th, 2010

The Most Epicly Awesome Legendary Youtube Easy Listening Playlist of All Time

So here is my second blog on squidoo. Starring Rhys (thefallingashes) with his art. This is an ever updating list of Easy Listening Music Videos as per Youtube Hits. Check it out! First 10 are posted!

Posted by CluppHead - July 27th, 2010

So here's what I've done. I created a squidoo account to begin blogging on things that I find to be interesting. Most of which is unexplainable, or paranormal and articles on consciousness and the like. In doing this I plan on using Newgrounds Art for the articles, with the artists permission of course. I just think it would be a great way promote newgrounds and it's artists. I've got my first article complete, and I actually think it looks pretty well done.

Now, I would write articles on Newgrounds, but, I don't think this is quite the right venue for it. This is more for art discussion, and artists. Any rate, I'll continue plugging artists from newgrounds. I just hope that most of them have their ad revenue button share on. I plan on doing the same for audio portal artists, creating a list of songs that I find really well done, and providing links to said artists newgrounds accounts. I've finished my first article, and it feels great! It's nothing special, just me ranting, but I feel like this is something I could do on a regular basis. Seems like an interesting venue that could be profitable for these artists doing stuff they love.

Any rate, if anyone's interested in seeing this, here's a link to the article. http://www.squidoo.com/so-whats-with-t he-bosnian-pyramids-are-they-fake-or-a re-they-real-

That is an insanely big link. LOL

Posted by CluppHead - December 7th, 2009

Ok, so i was chosen to be on the panel to choose a top ten submissions for the month. At first i was super excited and honored. Until i realized how big the list was to choose from. It was something like 200 flashes and games. Most of which I hadn't seen. Now, these were all chosen for their scores i'm sure, but damn. So many to choose from!! I never realized how many great flashes get pumped through newgrounds within a month.

So, i tried to come up with a system, to narrow down what my top ten would be. And proceeded to watch them one by one, or play the games one by one. After getting into it for 5 hrs, i was bushed. And pretty much gave up. i feel really bad, because i only got 2/3's of the way through the list. And i tried, really really hard to watch every single submission to determine which one's deserved it. But, alas, i had to give up. Took way too much time. So....i went with the list i compiled.

Now, i know i probably skipped a few great flashes, but, they seriously need to make the list smaller. I think narrowing it down to 50 would suffice. But, anything over 100 is just insanity!! I couldn't just pick 10 randomly. I dunno if i'm alone on this, so maybe i'll post this up on the forums. See if anyone else had run into the same problem. Oh!, another thing that urked me, was the fact that they didn't give a deadline. What's up with that? I wasn't sure if it was a day's time, or how long. Bleh. I tried my best.

Posted by CluppHead - November 21st, 2009

So i wrote another Original song. Go ahead and check it out if you'd like. I've posted a few covers as well. THe new original song is "NOt a Stalker" I was trying to make a comedic sadistic happy song. It's been a long time since i've posted music here. But, for some reason i got a hair up my but and decided to start writing and recording again. NOthing too spectacular, but it was fun to do. Don't know what i'm going to do after this autotuning trial runs out. I still don't have any real professional equipment, which, makes sense if you think about it. Professional equipment goes to the Professionals right? Anyway, i'm using Audacity and some of it's done with a buiilt in mic on my laptop and some of it's done with a karaoke revolution microphone that i ghetto rigged, duct taped it to an old music stand i had. Than i took a small speaker cover and popped out the metal, and pulled a black dress sock tightly over and tied a knot. THan i poked some wires through the sides and wound it around the mic, and viola!! A free pop filter. LOL............I am one cheap bastard!!

Posted by CluppHead - July 22nd, 2008

Yup, i did a britney spears cover. It's everytime covered by me. Check it out, let me know what you think. Why did i do a britney spears cover? I dunno, cause i'm weird and thought that it would be a little out there!! lol, check it out!

Posted by CluppHead - July 17th, 2008

I know nobody reads these, but i'll put it up anyway. Just posted a new song, called i'll be okay. Sorry for the shitty quality, but i'm not sure if better equipment will help my singing ability. heh. Anyway, check it out, let me know what you think. I'm goin to bed, gotta work tomorrow