So i wrote another Original song. Go ahead and check it out if you'd like. I've posted a few covers as well. THe new original song is "NOt a Stalker" I was trying to make a comedic sadistic happy song. It's been a long time since i've posted music here. But, for some reason i got a hair up my but and decided to start writing and recording again. NOthing too spectacular, but it was fun to do. Don't know what i'm going to do after this autotuning trial runs out. I still don't have any real professional equipment, which, makes sense if you think about it. Professional equipment goes to the Professionals right? Anyway, i'm using Audacity and some of it's done with a buiilt in mic on my laptop and some of it's done with a karaoke revolution microphone that i ghetto rigged, duct taped it to an old music stand i had. Than i took a small speaker cover and popped out the metal, and pulled a black dress sock tightly over and tied a knot. THan i poked some wires through the sides and wound it around the mic, and viola!! A free pop filter. LOL............I am one cheap bastard!!