So I posted a song here on newgrounds. My first posting of anything. It's a song that I wrote while I was deployed in Iraq. I used an overpriced 200 dollar haji guitar and recorded it on my laptop using sound recorder. The sound quality isn't that great, but it's what I had to work with at the time. My marines got a kick out of it, and hopefully the people of newgrounds will as well. Apparently because it's my first post it may take a couple of days for it to show up in the audio portal. It's call ouch. ... Keep a look out for it and let me know what you all think!! If this goes well, I have a few ideas for a few other songs, just have to get around to putting them on paper and laying a few chords down on them.
For some reason, I have a sinking feeling, that because of the listening audience and how young they usually are, that they're not going to appreciate the song for what it is. It's my own work, my own singing, just me a crappy acoustic, and a microphone. Still have this feeling that because it's not techno, and doesn't have sound effects or anything spectacular that they will blam the living shit out of it. Guess you never know unless you try.
where is it???